Our Projects

Companies, now more than ever, play a vital role in contributing to societal development, serving as a crucial catalyst to improving the lives both of individuals and the broader system within which we live. The company is the city where individuals find their economic security and personal identification and fulfillment. Simultaneously, the company is the factory for products and services indispensable for society’s proper functioning. Innovative thinking that create solutions to enhance individual and social life is directed towards the company. Not only does man possess this ability, but he ardently feels the need to act, as the desire for progress and development is inherent in his nature.
In this sense, our company serves as an interpreter in its sector, anchoring three special projects holistically to our three product lines. The objective is to develop innovative solutions that contribute to people’s well-being in its three fundamental components: social, physical, and environmental. While waiting to dedicate a space to share more details about these projects, we briefly present them below.

The Musae Project

We aim to anchor the Chips line to people’s social well-being through the Musae project, named after the scientific term for the plantain tree (Musa paradisiaca/sapientum). The project aims to provide people with an innovative tool to develop and share their passions and artistic abilities in a supportive space. There are three main factors that make Musae a successful project. The first lies in the importance of personal passions and art in fostering positive and meaningful social relationships. The second factor concerns the project’s territorial dimension, implemented across cities connecting venues dedicated to specific forms of art with the local artists. In this sense, the project creates a new integrated network among people and venues, a new level of connection that is cross-cutting among various art forms.

The third factor pertains to the digital aspect of the project. We live in the era of the digital economy and social networks, where the latter, from enabling tools for positive relationships, are increasingly turning into means of commercializing people. Musae hosts a captivating digital platform facilitating the integration and involvement of a large number of people and venues while remaining faithful to the mission of developing real-life social relationships. Rich in both participatory and competitive mechanisms, the formats of social entertainment are structured in annual paths, culminating in offering significant rewards for both the artists and the audience that interacted during the year.

“Friendships are not chosen at random but according to the passions that dominate us.”


The Nutrigenomics Project

The Healthy line is naturally connected to people’s physical well-being, and through the Nutrigenomics project, we aim to harness advanced medical-scientific knowledge to explore and share knowledge about the intricate relationship between food and bodily health. Nutrigenomics, in particular, is the latest frontier in nutritional sciences, studying the interaction between nutrients and our DNA, affecting our metabolism and our health. Genomics is a branch of molecular biology that emerged in the 1980s and is applied in various fields. Concerning nutrition, the interest in studying the relationship between food and our DNA has significantly grown in recent times, relating to two proven factors. The first involves the progressive genetic alteration of the foods that humans consume concerning their genetic heritage, shaped about 200,000 years ago (Homo Sapiens) when they fed on wild plants and animals. Indeed, with the development of agriculture (10,000 years ago) and the gradual hybridization of species, humans began unconsciously altering the genome of the food they consumed.

However, from the industrial age until today, this alteration process has undergone a strong acceleration, aided by the use of next-generation artificial substances, often harmful, aimed at maximizing production or taste. In modern times, there has even been a declared recourse to the genetic modification of foodstuffs (GMOs), causing public outrage, thanks to the new knowledge developed by Nutrigenomics. The second relevant factor concerns the hereditary transmission of genetic modifications induced by nutrition in humans. This phenomenon occurs through so-called epigenetic mechanisms, making the diet influence DNA without altering its sequence. Meaning, there are no genetic mutations but chemical modifications that lead to changes in gene expression and facilitate the onset of chronic diseases. Ultimately, using nutrigenomic sciences to personalize one’s diet based on their genetic heritage not only helps treat individuals with simple and complex pathologies but also prevents their onset in healthy people, improving their longevity and maximizing their physical potential.

“One of the great challenges that humanity must face: ensuring healthy and sustainable nutrition for all inhabitants of Planet Earth.”


Eresys Project

ERESYS (Earth Rescue Systems) is an Italian project born that integrates new,localisedand circular solutions for the recovery, treatment, and enhancement of biomass. This project boasts excellent engineering expertise and an innovativeforward-looking vision that starts with the elimination of waste at its source. Thanks to the advanced technologies now available, we can and must replace MPS (Second Raw Material) to be converted into a valuable resource for society.

The main technological areas that the company firmly believes in are pyrolytic cogenerationfor the production of electric and thermal energy, composting for the production of fertilizers, and the biofiltration of recovered water.

The technologies employed by our company’s partners are also useful upstream in biogas production.
Platatine’s vision for a sustainable future is as clear as it is ambitious, perfectly in line with trends worldwide. We envision smart cities with integrated urban solutions, capable of intercepting the maximum amount of organic waste directly at the source and converting it into green energy or fertilizers, while wastewater is biofiltered for reuse. We see cleaner and more efficient homes, restaurants, and hotels. We see greener public areas and more fruitful and resilient farmlands. We see bluer skies thanks to the gradual sequestration of CO2 and clearer, more nutrient-rich waters. We see healthier and happier people living together in a better future. Contact us to discover the future of organic waste… pardon, of waste biomasses!

“I believe that enjoying the Earth and not ruining it is the most beautiful form of art one could desire.”